
  • November -08

    The Norwegian ministry of foreign affaires (MFA) takes no concrete action in the case - despite desires from the UK for such assistance.
    MFA responds by only referring to their general support for the formal British process.
    Norwegian Foreign Minister approaches the UK foregn minister on any extradition request.
  • December -08

    - CPS (UK prosecution authorities) completes extradition request and forward it to Yemen.
    - Scotland Yard is appreciative as to the private dedication and support in the case in Norway.
  • January -09

    - A Norwegian citizen claim to have met the suspect in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.
  • February -09

    - UK extradition request formally denied by Yemen reported on the Norwegian TV channel, TV 2.
    - Yemeni ambassador confirms that Yemeni legal system includes blood money in media. The ambassador impression is that the MFA only relates to what the British are doing in the case.
  • March -09

    - Finally, a formal confirmation of the extradition denial received by Norwegian and British authorities.
    - Martine's father complains about zero contribution from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry after the case was debated in the Norwegian Parliament. The foreign minister claims to have done everything possible in the case.
    - Meeting with MFA takes place on the 'way forward' in the case, but without any results. MFA promises only to tell when / if something happens in the case. Follow up e-mail from Martine's father with suggestions never replied to by MFA.
    - Martine's father writes in The Daily Telegraph / VG on the first anniversary of the murder.
    - Witness claims to have observed Farouk in Beijing, reported, but not followed up by the authorities.
  • April -09

    - Formal complaint about the Ministry's lack of initiative submitted to the Parliamentary Control Committee.
    - Foreign Minister admits in the interview not to have met Yemeni authorities in a Doha meeting while the Yemeni foreign minister claims to have met.
    - Contradictory and new statements from UD creates doubt about the meeting in Doha has taken place.
    - Yemen's Foreign Minister confirms to the media that Yemen cannot change its own law on the death penalty.
  • May -09

    - Significant media coverage of the Foreign Ministry's general lack of acting as apposed to other bilateral cases abroad.
    - Norwegian TV channel, TV2, decides to make a documentary about the Martin case and its principal aspects.
  • June -09

    - TV2 recording and travel to Yemen to interviewing key people. Gets informed that the suspect lives with his family at home in Sanaa.
    - Martine's father meets the US ambassador to Norway and the US embassy gets involved in the case.
    - Yemen's foreign minister now claims that the death penalty and trial of Yemen's is up to the family of Martine, but her family claims that any trial must be held in the UK according to the formal view of the UK.
    - Reports indicate that the suspect has ambitions to return to the United States if possible.
  • July -09

    - Complaints on lack of Norwegian actions in the Martine case formally filed with the 'committee of Foreign Affaires, by a supporter of the Martine case, Mr. A. Tollefsen.
  • August -09

    - Shooting in Norway of the documentary about the Martin case.
  • September -09

    - Martine's father interviewed on TV2 on justice as well as the contradiction between the Foreign Ministers' statements on the participations in the meeting in the Doha.
  • October -09

    - Independent Think Tank activity on the Martine case involving leading cultural, religious and political expertise in various fields relevant to the case. The think tank was held in the main Town Hall in Oslo and produced constructive discussions and insight on a 'new logic' to solve the Martine case.
    - New Facebook initiative by Martines friends get significant attention worldwide.
    - TV-2 documentary 'The search for the suspects' is released and gain significant attention.
    - Facebook group exceeds 150,000 members.
    - The UK authorities confirm that the Martin case in seen separately from international politics.
    - Meeting with British Ambassador in Oslo to progress matters following the Think Tank activity. New and specific activities planned by Martine's friends to bring justice in the case.
    - Martine's father writes an article in Aftenposten outlining the need for Norwegian authorities to act concretively in the case. The Foreign Minister writes a reply in the paper, which in turn is commented by Martine's father. The articles show the sentiments in the case, see links.

    1. Chronicle of Martine's father 20.10.10: "Justice for Martine": www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikker/article3328613.ece

    2. Minister responds 23.10.10: "We do not give up": www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/article3335579.ece

    3. Martines father's response to the Minister 29.10.10: "We must move forward": www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/article3345656.ece
  • November -09

    - 9 months without any contact with the Foreign Ministry on the case.
    - British prosecutors want public hearing on February 10, 2010.
    - The suspect is reported recently to have been present at an event / celebration in Sanaa.
    - Public engagement gets increased media attention.
    - Martine murder discussed in the Foreign Affairs Committee. According to the committee the efforts to facilitate effective international cooperation on combating serious crime is supported. It requires that the government will follow up this work (Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee 27.11.09 ).
  • December -09

    - Between 1000 and 2000 people walk in torchlight parade for Martine December 1. MFA is required to do more to get the murderer in the Martine case extradited. The demonstration gets much attention in the Norwegian and British press - over 100 British newspapers write about the protest, and it is aired worldwide.
    - Sunday Telegraph visits Oslo to follow the case. This leads to great stories in English newspapers.
    - Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre meets with the support group for Martine Vik Magnussen, who has criticized him for not doing enough to get the perpetrator convicted. Martine's friends delivers 27,000 signatures to the Foreign Minister in a meeting. The group demands that the Norwegian authorities put more political pressure to get a possible solution to the case. Adialog is opened with American authorities as the suspect also has American citizenship. The group meets two days later with officials of the Foreign Ministry who work on the case. During the meeting, it is promised from the Foreign Ministry that the Martine case will be taken up as a conversation point in any meetings with British, Yemeni and American authorities.
    - British police state in the newspaper, the London Evening Standard, that they promise to never give up the hunt for the man who is charged with the murder of Martine Vik Magnussen.
  • January -10

    - Arne Corneliussen, newly appointed spokesman for Martine's family and work voluntarily with the case, travels to Yemen. The biggest Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten state that it will assist, "adding deliberate pressure on the players who are the suspect's family and those they influence within the Yemeni powerstructure."
    - A Norwegian businessman file a legal complaint in a Norwegian court on the father of Farouk Abdulhak allegedly having assisted Farouk to Yemen after the murder, and for damages the flatmates of Martine were faced with as a consequence of the murder.
    - The Arab TV channel Al Jazeera said to Norwegian media that they will cover the murder of Marine Vik Magnussen by making their own documentary on the case.
    - Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre meets Yemeni Energy Minister Awad Al Soqatri and Yemen's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah Hussain Adalfie, in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi. During the meeting, the murder of Martine were discussed. It is the first time Norwegian and Yemeni officials meet on the matter at ministerial level.
    - The minister tells Aftenposten.no that American authorities have also been engaged in the controversial case of the suspect Farouk Abdulhak as he has both American citizenship. Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has met with the Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr Al Abdallah Qirby during an Afghanistan conference in London. According to the Minister Martine issue raised in the meeting. UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband adress the matter during the meeting in London. It is also claimed that there is contact between British and American governments.
    - Martine's father decides that a hearing on the Martine case on February 10 in London should be open. Journalist from The Observer visit Martine's father and friends in Oslo to write a larger article to be published in February.
  • February -10

    - The Martine case is constantly in the spotlight in British media. Official hearing in the UK. Senior Journalist Patrick Sawer in The Sunday Telegraph says to NA24 paper that his paper has a desire to keep this issue high on the agenda.
  • September -10

    - The Martine documentary awarded best documentary of the year.
  • April -11

    - Former prime minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, and oil minister, Einar Stensnes, from the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights meet with suspect's father in Cairo. Much regrets, but no result.
  • June -11

    - Martine's father presents a proposal to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 'new international legislations' to fill the international legal vacuum that the Martine case addresses. Resolution ‘Transnational Fugitive Offenders ' built on Martine case ', presented to OSCE, and later signed by 58 countries.
  • January -12

    - Demonstrations to support justice for Martine held by Yemeni sympathizers in Yemen.
  • March -12

    - The Oslo Center in new meetings in Sana'a. Suspect representatives want answers to such issues as prison conditions and possible reduction in any sentence following a voluntary return by the suspect to the UK. Bust of Martine is awarded to Martine's family by the famous Norwegian artist, Magnar Kjeldsmo.
  • December -12

    - American and Norwegian representatives of the father meet twice at the Oslo Center in Norway. The Oslo Center claims, however, that legal matters must be handled by authorities in the UK only.
  • March -13

    - Suspect's father's legal representatives initiate two meetings with the authorities in the UK, and a further meeting is planned. This meeting never initiated, and the suspect’s father is considered ‘playing for time’ only. DCI Jessica Wadsworth talks about the status of the Martine case at the Skavland talk show.
  • April -13

    - Norwegian authorities comply with Martine's father's long-standing desire for an ‘coordinator’ at the MFA. MFA coordinator visit Sana, with no results. Two Yemeni families deny marriage with suspect.
  • August -13

    - The Martine Foundation takes part in planning a Docuvideo on principle aspect of the Martine case.
  • January -14

    - Martine's father given assurances by UK minister on full dedication to solve the case.
  • February -14

    - Martine's father meets with Norwegian minister of foreign affairs and Minister of Justice February 7, and will address the Martine case with contacts in the Middle East. Suspect marries in Yemen.
  • March -14

    - On the sixth year anniversiary of the Martine case, Scotland Yard issued an unprecedented Facebookb-appeal in Yemen directed towards the suspect and his new family to inform them about the legal status of the suspect as an internationally wanted person. Martine's father holds a press briefing on the status of the case creating substantial media coverage.
  • April – 14

    - Yemeni Parliamentary meetings parliament president and parliament 'Presidency as well as other parliamentarians in Oslo. The meeting took place at the invitation of Martine's father and the Yemeni human rights activist, Ahmen Aldiani. Re-Visit of Norwegian parliamentarians to Yemen planned. Norwegian web company offers to sponsor new Facebook campaign against Yemeni Arabic: facebook.com/JusticeForMartineVikMagnussen
  • May -14

    - Meeting between Odd Petter Magnussen, MP Åse Michaelsen and judge Hanne Sophie Greve in April fosters new input to be presented by the OSCE by the Norwegian Parliamentarian Justice Committee in June. The new fb-site in Arabic tuns out very effective.
  • June -14

    - Martine Foundation holds fundraising auction on the M / Y Grace in the Oslo Fjord. British filmmaker in meetings in Oslo for a new documentary on the Martine case. Nobel Laureate Tawakkol Karman visits Martine's family in their home at Nesøya.
  • July - 14

    - www.justiceformartine.com hacked, but will be relaunched in September.
  • August - 14

    The Martine-case's main Yemeni supporter, Mr. Aldiani Ahma, deported by the Norwegian authorities to Yemen despite pleas on minister level and attorney level both in the Martine case and the so-called Yemen case (concerning the alleged murder of a Yemeni fisherman after bullets fired from a Norwegian oil tanker off Yemen in 2011).

    Yemen has on two occasions, most recently in May 2014, forwarded dipolmatic notes to Norway and prompted investigations in the Yemen case. This is currently denied by the Norwegian authorities, but Martine’s father has addressed the issue with Norwegian authorities.

    The relationship between the Yemen case and Martine case was adressed by the Yemeni parliamentarian, Mr. Awad Alwazir, in meetings with the Parliament's Presidency of the Norwegian Parliament in April 2014 following invitation by Martine’s father . The rational addressed during the meeting was among other things the legal and diplomatical interrelationship between the Martine case and the Yemen case.
  • September - 14

    Website relaunched after having been hacked, and now with a new and more timely lay-out. The work was done and sponsored by the Norwegian company Venture Factory.
  • October - 14

    The Martin Foundation’s video 'Is this fair?' launched in Arabic and English with two Nobel Laureates commenting on the aspects of legal and universal values relative to the case.
  • November - 14

    The Norwegian company Venture Factory responsible for, and sponsored, distribution of the Arabic version of the video 'Is this fair?' to raise awareness in Arab countries.
  • December - 14

    A Norwegian artist and former friend of Martine, Thomas Seeberg, initiate a project for a record on the Martine case to be launched for the purpose of supporting the Martine Foundation for Justice.
  • January - 15

    Thomas Seeberg's first version of the record to the Martine Foundation finished.
  • February - 15

    Large interview in the Norwegian newspaper Budstikka with Martines mother and father, as well as Martines long term friends Henriette Marie Hansson and Henriette Martens, in connection with Martine’s birthday on Feb. 6.
  • March - 15

    Representatives of the British Foreign Office and Scotland Yard have meetings in Norway with Martine’s father, representatives of the British Embassy in Oslo and former Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik. They also met with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    New campaign from British authorities with appeal and photo-shoots in Oslo launched on British authorities' web sites on the 7th anniversary of the Martine case.

    Martine’s father files a formal complaint with the police on negligence by 2 Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees.
  • April - 15

    Martines father asked by Yemeni contacts to try to initiate peace negotiations in Norway on the escalating Yemeni national crisis..
  • May - 15

    Pre-announcement of the new song and music video by Thomas Seeberg.

    The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affaires (mfa) supports UKs appeal on their official websites of the embassy in Riyadh.
  • June - 15

    Official launch and concert with well-known Norwegian artists in connection with Thomas Seeberg's launch of the song 'The Call' in memory of Martine.
  • February - 16

    The board of the Martine Foundation for Justice is changed. The new board is now comprised of the following:
    Chairman of the board, lawyer Cecilie Grue
    Media host Lise Askvik
    Solicitor Eli Folkestadaas
    Journalist Carolina Mendoza

    An all female board springs from the recognition that the majority of senior positions of power are still held by men globally. All, however, is not well in our conflict-filled world, and confusion over values is on the rise. The new board reflects the general need for different approaches to conflict- and problemsolving, where the focus on core values of benefit to the individual, the community and our democratic values are key.

    "Changing times require new methods, and the all-female board has started their work with the aim of getting Farouk Abdulhak extradited to the United Kingdom for a fair trial", according to chairman of the board Cecilie Grue. "As there has been little progress this far, despite this case being solvable, we will be pursuing new and untried methods as well as pursuing traditional methods to reach our goals. Our hopes of achieving progress have been renewed".

    In addition to extradition, the Martine Foundation for Justice will work on the more fundamental aspects of criminal cases where Norwegian authorities have been unable to contribute in a manner that leads to a solution. "New lines of thinking are necessary both in the Martine Foundation, and in parts of public administration, to provide assistance in difficult cases. Facilitating the peace process in Yemen is also a part of the foundation’s agenda", says Grue.
  • March - 16

    Martine Vik Magnussen was murdered in London 8 years ago on March 14th 2016.

    At the same date Scotland Yard/Met. police will yet again go public with an appeal for the suspect to return to the UK, and reconfirm the fact that the investigation in the Martine case is still ongoing with the same continued priority.

    To support the criminal case Oslo Capitals Rugby League and Blindern Rugby Union plays a 60 minute Touch Rugby game, and honour Martine with 1 minute silence and black ribbons.
  • March – 16

    A second Yemeni peace talk inquiry is forwarded to the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Borge Brende, by Martine’s father, Odd Petter Magnussen. Both initiatives were attempts to have Norway hosting Yemeni peace talks. While Martine’s father chose to channalize the first initiative in 2015 to the Norwegian mfa via former prime minister in Norway, Kjell-Magne Bondevik now heading the Oslocenter, the new initiative was forwarded directly to the foreign minister. Both initiatives were in line with UN resolution 2204 (2015) following the fact that efforts by the UN envoy for Yemen had not been successful. It was also argued by Mr. Magnussen that EU support may be crucial and obtainable to make all parties, including Saudi Arabia and the coalition, taking part in potential peace talks or negotiations.  Should the Norwegian mfa decide not to host such talks The Martine Foundation for Justice offered to organize the talks in stead given Norwegian governmental support. Although the foundation attracted some of the best and most experienced peace negotiators in Norway the Norwegian mfa's position on supporting peace talkshosted by the Martine Foundation remained negative.

    Later in the month Martines father was asked to hold a lecture on ’how to loose a child’ in the Norwegian town of Tonsberg.

    The 8 years anniversary for the murder of Martine was marked by the UK Foreign Ministry, Scotland Yard and in the media: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3491879/Billionaire-s-playboy-son-wanted-London-rape-murder-Norwegian-student-run-EIGHT-YEARS-death.html

    Article in The New Arab was published on the Martine Case and the suspect’s father relative to the Panama Papers: http://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2016/4/6/murder-tax-evasion-cronyism-yemens-sugar-kings-implicated-in-panamapapers

    A bust of Martine uveiled in The Martine Memorial Park in Myanmar to symbolizing the Martine Case as it adresses the need for protection of woman and the climate.
  • June – 16

    Martine's father was approached by one of his daughter's former friends revealing a photo taken of Martine on New Years Eve 2007. Enjoying such nice memories of Martine she humbly asked Martine’s father whether it was OK to share the private photo with him. It was a touching encounter for Odd Petter Magnussen, who always appreciates people sharing stories on Martine. Yet again this was a lovely confirmation for Martine's father that his daughter is not forgotten, and that she left a lasting impression on people she met.
  • August - 16

    The lack of positive response to previous inquiries for Yemeni peace talks in Norway is now being explained by previous official mfa-statements that 'Lack of a solution to the Martine case would permanently damage the bilateral relationship between Yemen and Norway'.

    Furthermore; ‘ the bilateral situation between Yemen and Norway will most likely remain static as long as the situation in the highly profiled Martine case remains unchanged’. The logic seems to be that any Norwegian allowances made for Yemen on facilitating Yemeni peace talks in Norway etc. would not be accepted by the general public in Norway as long as Yemen continues to be a free haven for an international wanted Egyptian fugitive suspected of raping and killing a Norwegian citizen. The fact that Yemen gave Yemeni citizenship to a fugitive with an Egyptian-, US- and Syrian passport after his arrival in Yemen in 2008, is a controversial state action contrary to any standards of justice. A solution to the Martine case could, however, ease any position by Norwegian authorities on facilitating peace efforts as well as political-, financial- and industrial support that Yemen no doubt will need in the future.

    Requests forwarded by Martine’s father for police investigation into the so called Quanas-case. The Yemeni fisherman, Hasan Abdullah Quanas, was allegedly killed by bullets from a Norwegian tanker outside Yemen in 2011, and the widow demanding a Norwegian investigation is turned down by the Norwegian authorities is criticized and followed upon by Martines’ father

    The board of the Martine Foundation is reinforced by a former heads of police in Norway, Ms Hanne Christine Rohde. 
  • September - 16

    Video presented and press conference held on the Martine Memorial Park in Myanmar in Oslo.
  • October - 16

    The third bookbased on The Martine Case , ‘Endetid’, is published by the Norwegian author Ole Kristian Ellingsen.
  • November - 16

    The chairman of The Martine Foundation and Martine’s father met with the Swedish foreign minister in Stockholm November 24 to propose and discuss Yemeni peace talks/negotiations in Sweden. The minister found the initiative and proposal ‘very interesting’ and appreciative. Due to Sweden holding a seat in the UN Security Counsil, however, she would need to adress the proposal at a later stage should the Yemeni situastion remain unchanged and a new Yemeni inquriy for peace talks was received.
  • January - 17

    The bust of Martine for The Martine Memorial Park in Myanmar completed by the Norwegian artist Magnar Kjeldsmo and forwarded to Myanmar.
  • March - 17

    The bust of Martine was unveiled in the Martine Memory Park on UN Women Day Mach 8.

    March 14 marked the 9th years anniversary of the The Martine Case with high level meeting in London with ministers and representatives from the British Foregn Ministry and Scotland Yard.
  • April - 17

    Further initiatives on Yemeni peace talks in Sweden made with the Swedish foreign minister, including inquiry in the form of a formal letter from a former Yemeni president.
  • May - 17

    The chairman of the Martine Foundation met with former Yemeni president in Paris to discuss Yemeni peace talk initiatives. Both The Foundation and the President regarded the Martine Case and potential Yemeni peace talk as separate issues independent of one another. 

    Peace talks discussed with ministry of foreign affairs in Finland and Iceland too.
  • June - 17

    Martine Foundation offers to host Yemeni peace talks in Norway, but is yet again not supported by the Norwegian mfa. Huge media attention on the foundations proposals for peace talks in Norway and the ministry of foreign affairs not supporting it.
  • August - 17

    Norwegian Parliamentarians forward formal letter to the suspect’s parents with strong appeal for justice to prevail in the Martine Case.
  • November - 17

    The UK newspaper The Guardian cover The Martine-case as it relates to the suspect’s father and Paradise Papers: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/wealthy-men-donald-trump-inner-circle-links-tax-havens
  • Desember - 17

    Foreign hacking of the Martine-foundation’s facebook-page and Martines father’s privat e-mails reported to the Norwegian special security police (PST) being involved with Mr. Magnussens personal security.
  • January - 18

    Both the Martine Foundation’s chairman and Martine’s father provided by the police with 24/7 personal security systems.

    In an attempt to progress matters in the Martine case approaching it's 10 anniversiary, the chairman of the Martine Foundation for Justice, lawyer Patrick Lundevall-Unger, proposed a meeting with the suspect, Farouk Abdulhak, at any place of his choosing.  His proposal both in English and in Norwegian were published in the main national newspaper in Norway, Aftenposten, but no respons on this initiative was received.
  • March - 18

    Ceremony at The Martine Memorial Park in Myanmar on International Women Day March 8 with locals and a Norwegian representative from The Martine Foundation For Justice, Ms Patricia Bjerkholt.

    The suspect’s father makes for the first time a public comments on his sympathy with the Magnussen family for their loss struggle for justice in the Martine Case published in the main national newspaper, Aftenposten. Martine’s mother replies publically that she would rather see that the suspect’s father provides justice in this case.

    On March 14th 10 years had gone since Martine was raped and murdered.  Metropolitain Police and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UK was marking the day strongly. Among other things appeals stated that this high profile investigation will never go away, but remain active until the suspect has returned to the UK. Both Mr. Patrcick Lundevall-Unger, heading the Martine Foundation For Justice, and Martine’s father took part in meetings with ministers, Scotland Yard and media activities. A 45 minutes press conference was covered live on Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). Scotland Yard published for the first time video from the time when Martine and Farouk left the Maddox nightclub prior to the murder the same night in Greate Portland Street where Farouk Abdulhak lived. A video exposing the suspect leaving the UK the follwing morning was also pulbished for the first time.

    Flowers were also put at Martine's memory tree at Regents University and at the entrance of the flat in Greate Portland Street where Martine was found in 2008. Main national and international media actors, such as BBC, covered these events too. 
  • May - 18

    A civil law suit for damages was filed against the suspect, Farouk Abdulhak, May 29 in the UK by all members of the Magnussen family.
  • August - 18

    Yemeni contacts refer to a Swedish peace initiativ which ‘all relevant actors are talking about in Yemen’.
  • October - 18

    Martine’s father forwarded yeat another inititive with the Norwegian foreign minister on progressing legal matters associated with the Martine case and transnational fugitive offenders. The purpose is to have Norwegian authorities making some international initiatives in this area to follow up on the 2012 OSCE- resolution on ‘Transnational Fugitive Offenders’ initiated by the Martine Case.

    Indications since last Summer on a Swedish peace initiative seems reinforced, and a letter is forwarded by Martine’s father to the Swedish foreign minister on what seems to be like a Swedish initiative in line with previous proposals and discussions in the meeting with the foreign minister – and which would be highly appreciated.
  • November - 18

    On receiving final confirmations through newschannels in the US on the Swedish peace inititiative indicated previously, i.e that Sweden is offering to host Yemeni peace in line with previous discussions at the Swedish ministry of foreign affairs, a letter of appreciation is forwarded by Martine’s father to the Swedish foreign minister.

    Ms Shirley Thomson confirms that she will be carrying a sticker with ‘Justice for Martine’ and a photo of her during a rowing expedition across the Atlantic. Shirley intends to set a new record as the first woman over the age of 60 to cross the Atlantic solo. She is doing this to support the Martine case and protection of women in general, which is greatly appreciated by the Martine Foundation and Martine’s father.